Greyflex Electrical Contractors | Network Cables | Energy Saving | Electrical Maintenace Tel: 0121 747 1100 Fax: 0121 747 1177
Energy Saving Electrical Contractors

Energy Saving - Greyflex Electrical Group

A major way to reduce the carbon footprint and operating costs of your business is by implementing energy efficient systems and controls

Are you aware that you can offset the capital expenditure of a new Eco friendly and government recognised installation against your company's corporation tax bill by investing in energy efficient systems? 

The government offer the Enhanced Capital Allowance scheme which is run by the Carbon Trust. The ECA scheme provides businesses with 100% first year tax relief on their qualifying capital expenditure. For more information visit the Contact page.

Some examples of schemes we can offer;

Electrcal Efficiency surveys, comprising:

> Review of existing power consumption and carbon footprint

> Proposed schemes indicating cost and carbon savings

> Detailed project investment appraisals

> Intelligent lighting control systems to reflect occupancy or ambient lighting levels

> Relamping existing installations with energy effiecient lamps

> Retrofitting existing lighting installations with energy efficient fittings

> Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS)


News and Events

Greyflex is now under the control of administrators G2 Insolvency of Leicester

2011 kicks off with high profile contracts in London, Birmingham & Leicester.

October 2010
Woodstock Primary School Kitchen and Dinning Hall Refurbishment completed and handed over.

October 2010
Merrydale Junior School Kitchen and Dinning Hall Refurbishment completed and handed over.

Loughborough University Multi Storey Car Park completed and handed over.

12th January 09
Work has started on the Solihull office refurbishment.

7th January 09
Loughborough University Multi Storey Car Park, Job Awarded.
Greyflex due to start on site mid April.

6th January 09
Sherwood Park Office Block A, completed and handed over on time.

Electrical Contractors Association

NIC EIC Approved Electrical Contractor

Safe Electrical Contractor